Category Archives: CPC 472

Video: A closer look at the Amstrad CPC 472

Introduction In this video I show you the two different versions of Amstrad CPC 472 that were sold in Spain between September and December 1985 and explain which of them is rarest and how you can find one for yourself … Continue reading

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A closer look at the Amstrad CPC 472 timeline

Introduction Of all the Amstrad CPC’s, the CPC 472 definitely fascinates me. Amstrad sold the CPC 464 model in Spain as elsewhere in Europe but due to local laws and added tariffs, Amstrad was forced to change how the original … Continue reading

Posted in CPC 472 | 9 Comments

My retro corner

This is  a short post to show what my retro corner currently looks like. I’ve setup two small desks in a corner of my office and connected two CPC computers to CTM 644 monitors. On the left is a CPC … Continue reading

Posted in CPC 464, CPC 472, CPC 6128, CPC 664 | 1 Comment

Amstrad CPC 472 facebook group

Introduction This is an extremely short post to let you know I’ve created a Facebook group devoted to the Amstrad CPC 472 – we will use this group to post about anything related to the Amstrad CPC 472 including for … Continue reading

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My second CPC 472 !

Well I think i’ll take a break from buying CPC’s as i’ve now got 7 of them, 2x CPC 472 2x CPC 664 2x CPC 464 1x CPC6128 This is 6 more CPC’s than I had back in the 80’s, … Continue reading

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CPC 472 user manual arrived in the post

I bought this manual on the Spanish version of ebay, and it arrived today !. The interesting thing to note is that the cover states CPC 464 but the manual’s title stated CPC 472. The CPC472 came with some bizarre … Continue reading

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Today I got a CPC 472 !

I’m growing my collection bit by bit, after doing a swap with Noel Llopis (in Spain), I got back a CPC 472 in the mail today, and it’s in lovely condition.   here’s the basic info (notice, BASIC 1.0) and … Continue reading

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